The digitisation of society and the automation of many processes bring new opportunities and new types of jobs. The number of people employed in IT is constantly growing. However, employers in all EU countries are announcing a growing shortage of IT specialists in software development that educational institutions cannot meet.

FITPED (Future IT Professionals EDucation) is a consortium of universities and SME organisations whose goal is to find effective procedures, methods and models enabling students to receive highly specialised knowledge as efficiently as possible. The consortium focuses on areas of the labour market that permanently show a shortage of specialists. To make the educational process more efficient, it implements elements in education that require constant activity and the student’s involvement in activities throughout the entire process.

Thanks to monitoring students’ activities and results, the sequence, form and overall content are constantly optimised so that students achieve the best possible results with the least effort. Virtual learning environment Priscilla (PeRsonalIzed System for interaCtIve Learning and Learning Assistance) – https://priscilla.fitped.eu, was developed to cover educational needs. This system constantly expands within the implemented projects and allows technological coverage of new and modern approaches to provide educational content.

Future IT Professionals Education in Generative Artificial Intelligence (2024-2027)

Understanding generative artificial intelligence (GAI), its strengths and weaknesses, ethical use and trustworthiness is becoming an essential part of many professions. The goal of the project is to design and verify an educational model covering these needs and based on the integration of GAI tools into the educational process for students (while learning), teachers (in preparation for teaching) and future employees (in the work process) through a series of courses, methodologies and workshops… >>>

Future IT Professionals Education in Artificial Intelligence (2021-2024)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently one of the fastest-growing areas, which shows a growing demand for experts with advanced knowledge and the ability to learn and discover new approaches. Each country needs to respond and adapt to the changes that the implementation of artificial intelligence brings. Moreover, this trend must be addressed first and foremost by the educational institutions that train future leaders and employees in this field… >>>

Work-Based Learning in Future IT Professionals Education (2018-2021)

The digitisation of society and the automation of many processes bring new opportunities and new types of jobs. The number of people employed in IT is constantly growing. However, employers in all EU countries are announcing a growing shortage of IT specialists in software development that educational institutions cannot meet… >>>