The third transnational project meeting took place on 24.6.2020 virtually due to persistent restrictions and unclear rules for travel between EU countries during a pandemic of Covid-19. Representatives of all project partners participated in the virtual meeting.
The meeting aimed to evaluate the current progress of the project FITPED implementation and reconsider the severity of the risks arising from the covid-19 pandemic to achieve the set project objectives.
The first block of the meeting summarized the features of the current version of the educational platform Priscilla developed within O1. The topics like Priscilla architecture, user and group management, technologies and graphical user interface for different roles were introduced.
Simultaneously, the pilot run of selected courses was summarised and evaluated in the second block of the meeting. User experience and feedback from the pilot deployment of the educational platform in selected courses were discussed. The plan of the next stage of the platform development and its features were reviewed.
An essential part of the discussion focused on incorporating user comments and correcting errors in textbooks and activities, which form an integral part of the O2-O10 courses. The result of this block was the exchange of experience from communication with the target group, preparation for the deployment of WBL courses (O11-O15), updating procedures for correcting errors in educational content and functionality of the platform.
The third block of the meeting was devoted to the complications associated with the pandemic coronavirus and its impact on the schedule of activities on intellectual outputs O10-O18. At the same time, suitable topics and research methodology for writing professional journal articles were discussed. The result of the discussion was an adjustment of the division of individual partial tasks among the members of the project teams concerning their time possibilities and professional experience.
The final block of the virtual meeting was devoted to current management issues, and the dissemination of the interim results project.