The dissemination activities of the project were based on the following best practices:
- The project website provides unregistered visitors with publicly available information on projects related to the implementation of the project, the events carried out, and the outputs implemented.
- Created educational materials, methodological materials for teachers, presentations, publications focused on scientific, managerial and methodological aspects of implemented activities intended for the professional public, studies, examples of good practice, press releases.
- Professional publications are available according to the principle of availability of open educational resources (Green and Gold Open Access) on publishers’ websites, project websites and personal authors’ profiles.
- Preparation of online courses for public and professional growth.
- The publication of articles on current events and planned events through university profiles on social networks that have a significant impact on the target group project (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin).
- Information about the project in the form of logos and / or summaries (posters) was presented at the events organized by the partners’ universities to increase students’ interest in studying IT and related study programs such as days open doors, student conferences, etc.
- Preparation of online courses for public and professional growth.
- The publication of articles on current events and planned events through university profiles on social networks that have a significant impact on the target group project (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).
Realized dissemination activities, events, meetings and conferences
- Dissemination report of second half of project
- Transnational meeting in Cieszyn, Poland (6-7 October, 2022) (
- Information about project and Transnational meeting in May 2022 on the University of Silesia webpages (
- Realization of competitions ITvNitre 2022 in programming for high school students in Nitra and disseminating project outputs (
- Conducting workshops for teachers during a programming competition for high school students to present AI content and methodology (
- Workshops and papers presented at the international conference DLCC 2022 in Poland (
- Information about the project was published in the regional and national press and press releases (Nitra-noviny, ).
- Information about the project on partners webpages (CPU in Nitra, ).
Realized dissemination activities, events, meetings and conferences
The dissemination activities of the project were based on the following best practices:
- The project website provides unregistered visitors with publicly available information on projects related to the implementation of the project, the events carried out, and the outputs implemented.
- Created educational materials, methodological materials for teachers, presentations, publications focused on scientific, managerial and methodological aspects of implemented activities intended for the professional public, studies, examples of good practice, press releases.
- Professional publications are available according to the principle of availability of open educational resources (Green and Gold Open Access) on publishers’ websites, project websites and personal authors’ profiles.
- Presentations of student projects solved as a part of the project within the student professional activities and student scientific conferences are available in the conference system.
- Realization of competitions ITvNitre 2020 and ITvNitre 2021 in programming for high school students in Nitra (
- Conducting workshops for teachers during a programming competition for high school students to present guide how to create the content of intellectual outputs and provide instructions for their use or adaptation to the secondary schools (
- Workshops and papers presented at the international conference DLCC 2019, DLCC 2020 in Poland (
- Information about the project was presented during the training seminar KA2-strategic partnerships in Bratislava (30.1.2019), organized by the National Agency.
- Information about the project was published in the regional and national press and press releases (SME, TASR).
- Information about the project was presented on regional and national TV (TV Nitrička, RTVS).
- Information on current events in the project was also published on the websites of participating universities, as well as in periodicals on university events (Our Time, MendelNews).
- Information about the project in the form of logos and / or summaries (posters, posters) was presented at the events organized by the partners’ universities to increase students’ interest in studying IT and related study programs such as days open doors, student conferences, etc.
- Preparation of online courses for public and professional growth.
- The publication of articles on current events and planned events through university profiles on social networks that have a significant impact on the target group project (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin).
Social media: