The final project meeting was held on September 16-17, 2024 to assess progress, discuss the finalization of deliverables, and plan activities for the final phase of the project. Over the two days, participants engaged in productive discussions, presentations, and strategy development to ensure the success of the project.
The presentations included an assessment of the project deliverables, including an introduction to artificial intelligence, data preprocessing techniques, knowledge discovery, machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, learning analytics, AI in cybersecurity, recommender systems, and AI modules for educational systems. Individual leaders provided updates on changes and the final form of the courses and upcoming course publications.
The team also discussed project management elements, including budget status, task status, and backlog. The results of quality monitoring, the final platform design, and new modules were presented in the context of the content created, student engagement, and dissemination.
Discussions on the final draft of the AI Professional Education study finalized the current chapter design and primarily addressed active and personalized learning methods, real-time feedback techniques, microlearning, gamification, and data-driven approaches to solving challenges. The team also discussed the final draft of the AI Age Readiness study and summarized next steps, concluding the meeting with a shared vision for completing the project.